A downloadable school project

UPDATE: This project was completed April 2020, here's a video of a full playthrough: https://youtu.be/0FYmooAeJrY

Sea Dogs is the project I am currently working on for Game Workshop at UCF. It is being made with the Unity game engine. I am the lead programmer on the project.

Description of the game:

It is a 3rd person action adventure platformer targeted for Windows PC. There are two main characters which the player can swap between. The first character Salty is a little smaller and carries a pistol. He is also able to climb walls and drop ladders for the other character to climb up. The second character is Rusty. He is stronger than Salty so he is able to push around boxes to trigger pressure plates and throw Salty across certain gaps. Rusty is also able to punch enemies. There are both ranged and melee enemies. Some of the enemies are immune to either ranged or melee damage, so the correct character has to be used to defeat them.

Things I've done so far for this project:

  • Created scripts that controls the main characters (movement, physics, abilities), it also updates necessary game object components for both characters depending on which character is selected.
  • Created script that smoothly moves the camera from one character to the next when switching characters.
  • Created animators and animation states.
  • Created scripts to control the animators.
  • Created script for moving platforms.
  • Created script for buttons to spawn objects.
  • Created script and prefab for breakable objects that reveal collectible coins.
  • Created script to keep track of how many coins have been collected in the level.
  • Created script to load specified level when the player walks through the portals.
  • Created scripts to trigger VFX particle effects when necessary.
  • Set up Prefabs in the project in order for the team to implement assets easier.


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